Company Profile

VT Advisors Just In Time Ltd. is a private company that offers to its partners and customers:
· Development and Project Management
· Workshops and trainings
· Management Consulting
· Training for acquiring professional qualification
Our mission is to add value to you and your business.

Our mission is realized through:
· Taking into account the needs of our partners and clients and responding to their requirements in terms of the offered training and consulting services.
· Implementation of proven methodology for organizing and conducting training and selecting the best trainers and lecturers.
· Cooperation with our partners in the preparation, project implementation and project management to achieve successful results.
· Establishment of strategic partnerships to achieve mutual benefits.

The successes we achieve are due to our intelligent and experienced team of experts and practitioners with complementary knowledge and skills to offer a wide range of services to our customers.

The manager of the company - Ms. Elena Lyondeva, is a leading consultant in the development of the funded project proposals on Svilocell AD (2 projects - in 2011 and 2013) and Kaven Orbico Ltd. HRD OP 2007-2013 (2012) , Centre for Menthal Health "Prof. Nicola Shipkovenski "(Norwegian Financial Mechanism in 2015). Ms. Lyondeva is the leading trainer of internal corporate and open trainings on personal skills and project management (for POHL CONSULTING & ASSOCIATES GmbH, Projecta Ltd., Ardino Municipality, Dobrich Municipality, Resource Centre - Sofia, Bulgarian Industrial Association and others).
From February 2016 Advisors Just In Time Ltd. is a member of the Bulgarian Association for Project Management (BPMA) and associated member of the International Association for Project Management (IPMA)